Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Class Times

Jigglers and Twirlers in Effingham

The times of some of our younger classes overlap. This is to ensure that our pupils are not trapped in a class that is too young for their capabilities and not pushed into a class which is beyond them.

It enables our pupils to feel safe as they learn and to explore new levels of dance as they become more capable.

Staggered classes also ensures that pupils do not become bored from attending a class with too wide an age range. They are taught dances appropriate to their development and interest.

The opportunities for partner and group work improves with mixed ages. Pupils are encouraged to learn from and to help their peers.

All the while pupils interest levels are maintained as often a child moving up a class misses the "younger" fun elements included in the previous class.

Overlapping classes facilitates better confidence and learning. This confidence building enables even our youngest pupils aged 2 take part in our annual display.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah says
    I like dancing with Emma.
